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Financial Planning and Investment Management For Physicians, By Physicians

A Scientific Approach
Shearwater Capital was founded 14 years ago on a simple premise: offer an investment approach based on the best available evidence from...

Pay Yourself First
Shearwater Capital was founded in 1999. During the past 14 years, we’ve had an opportunity to observe which factors have contributed the...

The main goal for most investors is to save for a comfortable retirement. While each individual’s retirement planning strategy should be...

Little Things Add Up
As an investor, you can choose between active and passive investment management. Active management is an attempt to beat the market...

Debunking the Pundits
Financial pundits rarely provide sound investment advice because bad advice is much more entertaining. By contrast, the world's most...

Behavioral Finance
Behavioral finance is the study of how biased thinking can impair our ability to make good investment decisions. It helps to be aware of...

Fixed Income Principles
With interest rates near historical lows, many investors are concerned about their fixed income investments. Not only are bonds offering...

Shearwater Capital: A Brief History
Shearwater Capital was founded by Eric Malden and me in 1999, while we were classmates in the Executive MBA program at Washington...

What is a Fiduciary?
Shearwater Capital is a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). RIAs are governed by...

Roth Conversions
An inconvenient feature of your traditional retirement plan is that the assets will be taxed at your marginal income tax rate when they...

Alternative Investments: Part 1
David Swensen, manager of the Yale endowment, has been lauded for his innovative approach to portfolio management. Under his guidance,...

Dollar Cost Averaging
Historically, the stock market has exhibited two characteristics: its returns are volatile and the overall market trends up over long...

Capturing the Small Cap and Value Risk Premiums
At Shearwater Capital, we derive our investment strategies from leading thinkers in the academic finance community. Our approach to...
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